Online Physio
In light of COVID-19 government restrictions, we’re now offering online physio consults (video conferencing) for initial assessment and followup appointments.
Online physiotherapy works just like a virtual physio practice, in which you can connect with your physiotherapist via a video consultation. We can carry out an assessment by getting your clinical history – or what you can tell us about your injury and your symptoms, looking at your movement pattern over video, and asking you to perform specific tests with our guidance.
We will diagnose your injury as accurately as possible, then provide you with a management plan. We can also refer you to certain services if we feel it is necessary, such as X-ray or ultrasound, or to A&E or a specialist.
Follow up consultations are then recommended so we can assess the progress of your injury and initiate specific rehabilitation exercises to aid in your recovery. There are also great hands on self treatment techniques we can teach you.
If you need tools for your rehab like theraband, foam rollers, massage cream or massage balls, we have an online shop you can buy from. They will then provide contactless delivery of these items.
We are here to help!